A holistic approach to enhance movement and muscular performace.

Exercise Reinvented

Exercise, when strategically applied, can be the most helpful means of overcoming pain and accelerating your body’s healing.

Traditional exercise, like those prescribed at gyms, therapy offices, and workout classes, tend not to have the desired effect because they are too commoditized and generalized. With a tailored experience that considers a holistic view of the body rather than a predetermined protocol, we can obtain the precise outcomes necessary to solve your pain and mobility objectives.

Read more about the science of bio-motor-configurationalism and systematicity here:

Our Services


Muscle System Specialist

Working with a Muscle System Specialist (MSS) to help identify where your muscular system may need the most care, while optimizing your movement and reducing pain. Ideal for a wide range of individuals, from those with chronic pain, to high performance athletes looking to excel.


Medical Exercise Training

Working with a Certified Medical Exercise Specialist (CMES) to create a medically-integrated fitness regimen. Ideal for individuals post-rehab or those who suffer from chronic illness.


Personal Training

Whether you are looking to gain strength, gain muscle, lose body fat or get physically fit; work with a certified Resistance Training Specialist (RTS) for a custom-fit approach that respects the laws of biomechanics and joint functions.



Functional Nutrition

Working with a Functional Nutritionist to help correct digestive imbalances. This is done via at-home testing to uncover the root cause(s) of distress, and implementing protocols that include tailored nutrition and supplementation.


Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.