Evelyn Mihaly, is a former Canadian National Bikini Champion and world class bodybuilding competitor with the International Federation of Bodybuilding (IFBB). She is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner (CNP) and a Resistance Training Specialist (RTS). With this skill set, Evelyn has helped numerous bodybuilding athletes realize their dream of winning bodybuilding gold! Retired from bodybuilding, her mission is now to help individuals achieve the highest potential for their physical fitness and well-being. This mission has influenced her education tremendously, thus her need continued learning is great. After 10+ years in the fitness industry, she is still working on furthering her education, for her clients benefit. In addition to being a Holistic Nutritionist and Resistance Training Specialist, Evelyn has recently completed the very extensive Muscle Systems Specialist (MSS) course; placing her in the unique category of limited practitioners that effectively assists clients with their bilateral asymmetries, movement issues and pain.